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The Spanish Advantage Club COVID-19 Plan of Action

Social Distancing Procedures

  • Children will remain in the same “group” of kids each day

  • Children will be 6 feet apart during nap time

  • Stagger playground times in order to keep group contact separate


Pick Up/ Drop Off

  • If parents come in, hand sanitizer will be provided before entering the building

  • Ideally, have the same parent pick up child/children each day

  • Parents can remain outside of the facility and children can be brought to and from their cars during pick up/drop off by staff

  • Parents should wear masks upon entering the building


Daily Screening

  • Children will wash their hands/hand sanitizer upon entering

  • Temperature 3 times a day to children and staff


Cleaning/ Disinfecting

  • Germ guard room air purifier (will be in each classroom)

  • Routine contact surfaces will be disinfected

  • Tablets disinfected after each use

  • Tables disinfected after moving to another room

  • Daily germ-killing mist will be done at the end of each day



  • All children, staff, and volunteers will engage in hand hygiene at the following times

    • Arrival to the facility and after breaks

    • Before and after preparing food or drinks

    • Before and after eating or handling food, or feeding children

    • Before and after administering medication or medical ointment

    • After using the bathroom or helping a child use the bathroom

    • After playing outdoors

If your child gets sick…


If your child is sick it is very important that you keep them home. If a child who attends T.S.A.C. gets sick or becomes sick while at T.S.A.C. they will be sent home.

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© 2023 The Spanish Advantage Club

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